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Future Cadet Forms and Resources


Application Form 


All new cadets must fill out the application form at click on Join Now and select 702 Lynx Squadron.


Late Joiners Policy


Joining cadets over the age of 12 should read and review our Late Joiners Policy.


Anaphylaxis Consent and Emergency Plans


Cadets with potentially life-threatening allergies (foods, insect stings, animals, plants, etc.) or medical conditions (respiratory, cardiovascular, etc.) must fill out the anaphylaxis consent form and the anaphylaxis emergency plan form.


Food Sensitivity


Cadets with intolerances, sensitivities and allergies must complete participation by a cadet with food sensitivities form.


Cadet Code of Conduct


Cadets must fill out and sign the Code of Conduct, which outlines various rules and guidelines cadets must follow.

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